Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Female Orgasm

May is such a sexy month.

A month of opening, of flowering, of attracting.

In our backyard, we have two massive and ancient apple trees. Right now they are a mass of delicate pink flowers, and if you stand near them, you become aware of an underlying humming. Looking up, you see hundreds of bees in a love-drunk dance, dizzy with the sweetness of apple blossom. Tree sex? Bee sex? I'm not sure. But I do know that the blooming flowers and the shining sun and the May Day celebrations can make me feel sexy indeed.

A little while ago, I came across this video on youtube. I have been wanting to share it with you, waiting for the right moment. The bees and the trees and the flowers outside tell me the moment is right.

In the video, Nicole Daedone, a researcher and lecturer who has dedicated her life's work to the practice of orgasm, talks about the importance of female orgasm. She sees many women in our culture who have deep, unsatisfied hungers, and she believes that orgasm is the answer.

I am all for having orgasms.

As I listened to Nicole talk about finding connection through orgasm, I realized she was talking about connecting to something greater than just our sexuality: she is talking about connecting to our feminine spirit. Women are hungry because we are disconnected from the essence of who we are. We are disconnected from our womanly bodies, and when we are disconnected from our bodies, we can't be connected to our feminine spirits. Attaining that connection, through orgasm or otherwise, will feed our deepest hungers.

I hope you can take the time to watch the video. In my May Day post I talked about reclaiming the sacredness of sexuality, so this post can be the next installment in that series. Let's reclaim the sacredness of our bodies, let's reclaim the beauty of sex, and let us find pleasure deep within ourselves.



  1. yei! gracias! ahorita mismo voy a orgasm. loved the video. xoxox

  2. I think the female orgasm is not talked about enough. It's almost like most women are ashamed to have/ want one... or many... every day or once weekly or whatever floats your boat. ;) I for one am a very sexual person and find that I am also very aware of others' sexuality. Like for instance I can tell who is satisfied and who is not sure what they are wanting but they just know they are not satisfied. Many women find it hard to feel okay about wanting an orgasm or making that happen for themselves regardless of a partner being involved. We carry tensions, and feelings of inadequacy based on our not being fulfilled. Many women spend this energy elsewhere... a career, maybe running five miles... maybe they just go through every day getting farther and farther from their body and what it needs. I think it's time for women to get more comfortable with the subject in discussions like this one... and perhaps that will lead to more women getting comfortable with their body and how it ebbs and flows. Thanks Jenny.

    1. yes, i totally agree! and I think it comes down to us being disconnected from our femininity: our female bodies, our feminine needs, our feminine nature. We are so disconnected, yet most don't even realize it. Have you read Wild Feminine by Tami Lynn Kent? I think you would really like it! xoxox
