Saturday, February 2, 2013

Stirring of the Seeds

Today was a day that foretold of Spring.

The weather was [comparatively] warm, the sun blessed us with golden kisses, and we spent the whole day [may I repeat, the whole entire day] outside. Gardening.

Oh sweet Bliss.

And it was perfect for such a day, for today is the festival our ancestors celebrated as Imbolc. In reverence of the sun who gives us life, they celebrated the sacredness of fire and the days now visibly longer, evidence that life would grow again.

Although it is still winter, I see signs of spring all around. Signs of a gentle, humming energy returning to the Earth. The frogs have returned to fill the night with music, and birds sing their beautiful songs all day long. Tops of daffodils tentatively push through the cold soil, and little buds begin to appear on stems previously bare. Seeds are stirring from their winter's sleep, preparing to send out their shoots. Our hens are laying a bounty of eggs. I feel the quickening of energy as the Earth begins to anticipate Spring's rebirth.

To celebrate Imbolc, Mina, Jai, Bella and I planted the first seeds of the season [in the greenhouse, of course]. Spinach, lettuce, endive, parsley, and arugula will all hopefully be the makings of our first spring salads.

As we covered the seeds with a light blanket of composted manure, we put forth some intentions we would like to manifest in the coming year. Trips to the beach to collect seaweed [and starfish, says Jai], a playhouse for the kids, the acquisition of pigs, goats and horses (!!?), and a 2nd annual Dance Retreat were planted down into the fertile soil.

May our dreams grow as real and as vibrant as the fruits of those tiny seeds.


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